"BJ Alex" is a popular Korean webtoon series written and illustrated by Mingwa. The series follows the relationship between two young men, Seung-gyeon and Alex, who initially meet through Seung-gyeon's job as a popular online streamer known as a "BJ" (broadcast jockey).
The story is primarily a romance, exploring the challenges and complexities of a same-sex relationship in a conservative society. It deals with themes such as coming out, homophobia, and discrimination, as well as more personal struggles such as family dynamics and mental health.
The artwork is well-drawn and expressive, effectively conveying the emotions and interactions between the characters. The storytelling is compelling, with well-paced plot development and nuanced character arcs. The series has gained a significant following since its debut in 2018, and has been praised for its realistic portrayal of same-sex relationships and its thoughtful exploration of social issues.
However, it should be noted that "BJ Alex" contains mature themes and explicit sexual content, which may not be suitable for all readers. Overall, "BJ Alex" is a well-crafted and engaging webtoon that offers a unique perspective on LGBTQ+ experiences and relationships.
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