Sajou and Kusakabe from "Doukyuusei" - These high school students start off as classmates who are initially indifferent to each other, but as they work together on a school music project, they develop feelings for each other. Their relationship is sweet and gentle, with Kusakabe being patient and supportive of Sajou as he navigates his insecurities and fears.
Uenoyama and Mafuyu from "Given" - Uenoyama is a high school student who is initially uninterested in music, but after meeting Mafuyu, a boy who is searching for meaning through music, he becomes more invested in his guitar playing. Their relationship develops slowly and sweetly, with Mafuyu opening up to Uenoyama about his past and Uenoyama helping him find closure. -
Morinaga and Tatsumi from "Koisuru Boukun" - This couple starts off on rocky ground, with Tatsumi being openly homophobic and rejecting Morinaga's advances. However, as they spend more time together, Tatsumi begins to realize his true feelings for Morinaga and the two become a sweet and loving couple.
Haebom and Taesung from "Cherry Blossoms After Winter" - These high school students bond over their shared love of photography and begin to develop feelings for each other. Their relationship is sweet and supportive, with Haebom encouraging Taesung to pursue his dreams and Taesung being there for Haebom when he needs support.
Yashiro and Doumeki from "Saezuru Tori wa Habatakanai" - This couple is unconventional, with Yashiro being a high-ranking member of the yakuza and Doumeki being his stoic and loyal bodyguard. Despite their differences and the danger that surrounds them, they develop a deep and loving relationship.
Subaru and Haru from "My Roommate is a Cat" - While not a traditional BL story, this manga and anime follows the heartwarming relationship between a young author named Subaru and his adopted stray cat, Haru. As they live together and learn to understand each other, they develop a sweet and loving bond.
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